every things for msn massenger
.اول شي مجموعة توبكات بالانقلش..× nEvEr × wAnTeD× To Be × DiFFeReNt × I jUsT× wAnTeD ×To Be × mE ×
War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left
(*)iM nOt ShY..i JuSt DoNt LiKe YoU!(*)
* I loved u once, i love u still, i always have and always will*
Give ure smile 2 every1 but... give ure heart 2 only 1!
When the sea is blue love will make a dream come true!
حركات انشالله تعجبكم
¸.·* I'm ¸.·*
¸.·* Away!! ¸.·*
¸.·* I'm ¸.·*
¸.·* busy!! ¸.·*
(Ï) (Ï) (Ï)
{(B)} {(Y)} {(E)}
^¯^ ^¯^ ^¯^
.-. .-.-. .-.
! " ! " !
"-..-"'-..-" MY
__|__ I'm gonna fly you
.____o("")o____. to the
" ' " 7th heaven
("v") /)/)
'v' (=';'=)
JUST (,(""'),)
FOR YOU (")"(")
! I MISS !
". YOU ."
ثايمات للمسن